View this post on Instagram Perform the following exercises as a circuit, resting as little as possible in between exercises. 1) Squat to Lateral Lunge 2) Pike Push Ups 3) Straight Legs Glute Bridges 4) Reverse Table Pose or Reverse Plank 5) Russian Twists 6) Rest 1min Beginner: 30sec/exercise Intermediate: 45sec/exercise Advanced: 1min/exercise #workoutoftheday #wod #bodyweightcircuit #squats #lunges #pushups #core #yoga #minimalequipment #fitnessmotivation #fitnesschallenge #wellbeing #exercisemotivation #wellness #exercisedaily #fitness A post shared by Home+Online+Gym Training (@trainsmartfh) on Apr 2, 2020 at 12:56pm PDT